Winter and our bored pets

Winter has arrived here in central Oregon. It has hit hard and fast for those of us South of Bend for about the last month and it is sticking it to us with temperatures below freezing most days. So I thought I would talk a bit about general winter wellness for our pets! The cold and dark makes it hard fro most people to get out with their animals on the best days. Ice and aging pets add a whole new struggle. There have been multiple stormy days here that have made me say no way to a walk with little Ayrie already. And after about 2 days of that, even with the games I will be telling you about here she begins to get cranky, and I don’t blame her! Being inside is boring! There is only so much we can do in our homes before walking in circles or just laying on the couch becomes tempting options in my opinion. So imagine how boring it would be for our pets who have even fewer things to keep them occupied!

One of the big things I like to do with Ayrie on no walk days is play a game I have dubbed “find it”. I will take a chew that she enjoys and I will hide it somewhere in the house or store if I am at work. While I am hiding it, Ayrie is in stay somewhere she can’t see me. That way she has to use her nose to find the treat. This gets her moving and exercises her brain while she sniffs and looks for the treat. After she finds it she gets to enjoy chewing it up as she pleases! I will also do this sometimes with small treats so there are several things for her to run around and find. As she gets better with her nose I come up with harder hiding spots! This game also works for our cats! Though we have to separate the boys for it otherwise Phoenix gets food aggressive.

Another thing to do is just a good old play session! Grab their favorite toy and play fetch or rough house a bit with them! Ayrie loves to do this, it gives her attention from us and a good energy outlet. We do the same thing with our cats with either a string or a lure toy as well. Since it has been so snowy and cold they don’t like being out in the catio so much at the moment unfortunately.

Another thing we can do is that we put their food into a puzzle toy or slow feeder. That way even meal time is a game and gives their brains some extra work!

I hope some of these gave you ideas to help work out your dog or kitties during this cold weather! Stay warm everyone!

Peep Ayrie’s side eye when she needs her snow suit and booties in this snow we have been having.


Our cats and the Christmas tree


Cold Weather and Our Pets